Paul Schneider: The Witness of Buchenwald


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By Rudolf Wentorf
Translated by Franklin Sanders

“Paul Schneider realized that salvation lay not in the false choices of right or left, but in obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ.” — Franklin Sanders, from the Translator’s Introduction

Pastor Schneider’s kind shepherding endeared him to every congregation he served. But as he walked quietly in his own calling, he watched his dear Germany march in goose-step into the arms of a godless new regime. When the Nazis came to teach the Bride of Christ how she ought to behave in this modern Germany, they stubbed their toes on this pastor in the Rhineland. Schneider would not heil their “naked paganism which cannot agree with the Christian faith.” He diligently made himself a thorn in Hitler’s side and rallied the true Church as long as he had breath to call out Scripture.

Too few stories of faithfulness like his arise from the Nazi years in Germany. In 1967, Rudolf Wentorf preserved his story in German, using testimonies from Schneider’s friends, family, and personal diary. In 1993, Franklin Sanders brought that testimony to English-speaking Christians. Nogginnose Press presents this new edition to ensure that future generations gratefully remember Paul Schneider’s bold witness—and final sacrifice.

They silenced his tongue, but not his witness. And Paul Schneider has much to say to us today.

“At a time when the frightening specter of a messianic state once again haunts our land, a retelling of the story of the life and witness of Paul Schneider could not be more appropriate. I highly commend this remarkable book to what I pray will be a wide American readership.” – Dr. George Grant

“Paul Schneider’s name should be mentioned in the same breath with the more famous Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemoeller, as a believer who did not compromise with the State’s attempt to control and rule the Church for the greater glory of the Reich… He continued to preach the whole counsel of God without fear or compromise, and suffer the deadly consequences of his faithfulness to Christ… Every American Christian should read this account of how a believer stands when all around him are falling, and asserts the Crown Rights of the King of Kings.” – Bill Potter

“What a tremendous book! Surely God has brought forth this English translation at this time to awaken His Church with the mandate to confront the rise of the Fourth Reich in America.” – Rus Walton

“The testimony of the life of Paul Schneider confirms the true meaning of a Christian witness—one who is willing to become a martyr for the gospel of Christ. We American Christians can learn a lot from this powerful bloodwitness of Jesus Christ.” – David Bradshaw

Author: Rudolf Wentorf
Translator: Franklin Sanders
Page count: 186
Size: 5.5” x 8.5”
Binding: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781956611021
Release date: May 20, 2022